Session Rates

Please note: Absolute Kinetics Physical Therapy is an out-of-network provider and does not accept insurance. If you are interested in using your insurance benefits for services, a superbill will be provided to you after service is completed and we cannot guarantee specific reimbursement amounts. Learn more about why we are out-of-network with insurance companies here.

In-Office Rates

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

Initial Evaluation (75-90 min): $249
Follow-Up (60 min): $189

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Initial Evaluation (60 min): $189
Follow-Up (60 min): $189

Visceral Manipulation

Initial Evaluation (60 min): $189
Follow-Up (60 min): $189

Virtual Rates

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

Initial Evaluation (45 min): $145
Follow-Up (30 min): $95

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Initial Evaluation (45 min): $145
Follow-Up (30 min): $95

Package Rates

Office Visit Follow Up Packages

3 visit package -- $525 ($42 savings)
5 visit package -- $825 ($120 savings)
8 visit package -- $1,280 ($232 savings)

Virtual Visit Follow Up Packages

3 visit package -- $255 ($30 savings)
5 visit package -- $400 ($75 savings)

Prenatal Wellness Package

Prenatal Wellness Package

Includes 75-90 minute evaluation and three 60 min follow ups, + access to Dr. Alexis’ Birth Ready: Prenatal Prep Program

Postpartum Wellness Package

Includes 75-90 minute evaluation and three 60 min follow ups

  • Absolute Kinetics has chosen an out-of-network model for our practice. We feel this model is the most efficient and effective way to provide physical therapy services. In this model, we are able to provide full price transparency (so you do not receive surprise bills months after your visits). We are also able to provide you with the individualized attention you need to get the most out of each session with us. Our therapists work for YOU, not your insurance company.

    You will pay for your physical therapy visits at the time of service. This allows us to focus on providing direct, one-on-one care, while keeping administrative costs low. We offer single sessions, as well as packages of 3, 5, or 8 visits at a reduced price per session. We also offer special pregnancy and postpartum wellness packages. You may pay for your services by using cash, a check, a debit/credit card, or with your HSA or FSA.

    In some instances, you may personally file for reimbursement from your insurance company. Most insurance companies, with the exception of Medicare, Medicaid, and some HMOs, will provide some reimbursement for services received "out of network". The amount you are reimbursed depends on your plan. We can help you with the process of finding out if you can receive reimbursement, and provide you with the necessary documentation to submit your claims.

    Depending on your in-network and out-of-network benefits, seeing an out-of-network physical therapist may actually be more cost effective. With our ability to spend one-on-one time with our patients, we often see them for less total visits and are able to help our patients get back to the activities they love sooner than in a traditional insurance based model. We are also able to address all of your concerns and provide you with the evidence-based care we know you need and deserve, without worrying about claims being denied by insurance.

    If you have further questions about the out-of-network physical therapy model we have chosen, please contact us at

    Learn more about why we are out of network with insurance companies here.

  • Yes, we are able to accept payment from both an HSA (Health Savings Account) and FSA (Flexible Spending Account).

  • No, you do not need a referral from your Physician for physical therapy. If you are experiencing a new onset of pain, or have been dealing with pain for weeks, months, or even years, you can schedule with one of our therapists directly. We can often get patients in within 24-48 hours for their initial evaluation.

    Seeing a physical therapist first can save you both time and money. It prevents you from needing additional (often unnecessary) appointments to assess your problem, costly (and again, often unnecessary) imaging, and we can typically provide you with some techniques within the first visit to start addressing your problem.

    Our therapists are highly trained, so if you are presenting with symptoms that we don't feel are within the scope of our practice, we will immediately refer you out to the appropriate provider.

  • No, you do not need to have an x-ray, MRI, or any other tests prior to seeing a physical therapist. Our physical therapists are highly trained and will screen all patients to make sure they are appropriate to be treated by a physical therapist. If we are concerned that imaging may be needed, we will immediately refer you to the appropriate provider.

  • This is a tricky one - it really depends! At Absolute Kinetics, we pride ourselves in providing individualized care to all of our patients. This means that we assess each of our patients to determine how often they should be seen and how many visits we feel they may need in order to reach their goals. We know your time is valuable, and we will work with you to determine a plan of care that works for you and your lifestyle.

    In general, we see most of our patients between 4-9 visits total. Some of our patients will then transition to a maintenance program, depending on their personal needs.

  • At Absolute Kinetics, we believe in an active approach to healing. Depending on the severity of your pain or injury, some activities may need to be scaled-back or temporarily stopped. However, we work with our patients to make sure we find something to keep them active, and all patients are provided with home exercises to work on between physical therapy sessions.

  • Yes, for patients who have completed a package with us, we offer a maintenance program. This maintenace program includes 1 or 2 sessions/month at a reduced single session rate. Many of our patients love this program, as it allows them to stay at peak health and performance and address any new issues that come up quickly. We also offer individual virtual fitness programming.

  • Yes! We treat women and vulva owners with pelvic floor dysfunction. We offer pelvic floor physical therapy in person at our Memphis office, as well as virtually to patients in Ohio, Tennessee, and Mississippi. We also offer pregnancy and postpartum coaching, as well as pelvic health coaching for those who have not been pregnant. If you are a male or penis owner looking for pelvic floor physical therapy, please contact us at so we can help you find a physical therapist in your area.

  • No! Dry needling can be a beneficial treatment for those experiencing pain, however it is not the right treatment for every patient. If you are uncomfortable with dry needling, your therapist can offer many other treatment options to address your symptoms.

  • Dr. Alexis Hutchison, PT, DPT, OCS has experience working with patients with vestibular diagnoses including Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), vestibular weakness, cervicogenic dizziness, and other vestibular disorders. She is also able to screen symptoms of dizziness to determine if physical therapy is appropriate or if the patient should be seen by another specialist.

  • Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual treatment to the abdominal organs to improve organ mobility and function. Organs can become restricted following pregnancy, abdominal surgery, trauma, illness, and other injuries. These restrictions can often contribute to musculoskeletal pain, bowel dysfunction, and more. Dr. Alexis is trained in Visceral Manipulation through the Barral Institute. Learn more about visceral manipulation here.