Self-Paced Prenatal Courses

You have heard about pelvic floor therapy. Your best friend told you “you have to go while you’re pregnant and after you have your baby!” You see it being talked about on social media. But maybe you have a never ending to-do list before baby gets here, a demanding job, or you have other kids to take care of - and you just can’t make the time to schedule that appointment.

We get it. And we’ve got you.

We feel that every expecting mother deserves to feel as prepared as possible for their pregnancy, labor and delivery, and early postpartum journey.

Birth Ready: Prenatal Prep Program is now available to purchase!

This course will cover topics including:

  • Labor Education: understanding your core and pelvic floor, building your care team, relaxation aids and environmental considerations, and your birth plan.

  • Prenatal considerations for vaginal births and VBAC’s: biomechanics of birth, labor and delivery positions, perineal massage, and pushing techniques.

  • Prenatal considerations for cesarean births: what is a c-section and why it may be indicated, all about your c-section scar, and options to discuss with your provider.

  • Early postpartum care: perineal care, c-section scar care, abdominal and pelvic floor support, swelling management, and ergonomics for baby care.

Check back for information on more upcoming courses, and check out the other virtual options to work with us below.

Other Virtual Options

  • Telehealth

    We treat pelvic health conditions via Telehealth with patients anywhere in Tennessee

  • Pregnancy/Postpartum Coaching

    Our pelvic health specialists work with pregnant people to help them safely stay active through all trimesters.

    We also offer postpartum coaching to recover from common postpartum problems and diagnoses such as leaking, painful intercourse, diastasis recti, and more.

  • Pelvic Health Coaching

    We coach individuals with pelvic health dysfunction to train smart and reduce pelvic health problems.

  • Fitness and Injury Prevention Coaching

    Our doctors specialize in designing safe and effective fitness programs to help you improve form, reach your goals, and reduce injury.


  • I am a pelvic floor therapist, but this course is not meant to replace seeing a pelvic floor therapist. The information covered in this course is something I do cover with all of my prenatal patients. However, if you are experiencing pregnancy related pain, bowel or bladder symptoms, or sexual dysfunction, I highly recommend seeing a pelvic floor therapist for a 1:1 assessment. I do offer a discount for 1:1 virtual and in person sessions to those who have purchased the course. If you aren’t sure if you should see a pelvic floor therapist, reach out to me at

  • This course will briefly touch on the benefits of movement and exercise for prenatal prep, but will not include a specific postpartum exercise protocols or exercise videos. I am currently building a prenatal exercise course, as well as a first 6 week postpartum exercise course. Stay tuned for more information on the release dates for these courses.

  • Absolutely and I highly encourage all partners to go through the course! You can go through the course together or separately at your convenience.

  • I love hearing from you! Please feel free to reach out with questions. You can email me at If it’s something simple, I’m happy to answer or point you to some resources. If it is something that requires some assessment and specific treatment, I will likely encourage you to schedule a virtual or in person appointment with me so I can truly help you (and you’ll get a discount on your session by purchasing the course!).

  • Absolutely! The core and pelvic floor information covered in this course is applicable to women who have both vaginal and cesarean births. There will also be a separate section with information on planning for a c-section, as well as managing your scar and abdomen postpartum.

  • It depends! Hospitals and other local providers may offer a lot of different options for classes that cover different aspects of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and caring for your newborn. I recommend looking at the curriculum covered in each course to determine what would be most beneficial to you.